Sunday, July 24, 2016

Contemplating the World's Sexiest.....

We all want to capture attention, don't we?  It's human nature.  Be honest.  You want to know, you need to know, you have to know:  just exactly what is the sexiest trait in the world and how can you attain it?

Most people think it's beauty.  But that fades.
Many people think it's a strong body.  But that withers.
Some people think it's great intelligence.  But that grows stale.
A few believe they can shock you into attention. But that dies.

These are traits which, no matter how hard they may try, few people can attain and certainly no one can maintain until the end of days.  Everything changes with time.

So exactly what is the sexiest characteristic in the world? 

The answer is twofold--two things are the most attractive characteristics in the world.  They are so simple that we ignore them, especially when we are distracted by physical beauty.  They are both incredibly common and utterly rare.  We admire when someone else has them but we don't try to reach those pinnacles ourselves because they take long-term effort, because they do not end with big trophies and applause.  But they are the things that we each and all should be striving to achieve.  They are mountaintops that anyone can reach. 

A kind heart.
Quiet competence.

Kindness is a matter of courage because it isn't easy to make the right choices, to say and to do the right things.  It takes thought; it's not merely a knee-jerk heroic reaction or a wish to say or do something to please.  Kindness isn't always easy, and it can require tough decisions.  Kindness serves mercy, not justice.

Quiet competence is evident when a person feels confident of his work with no need to boast or to whine.  He simply does his best (probably while you are not looking) and knows that it is enough.  This confidence comes from working hard without giving up, continuing to try even when things look bleak, not stopping in the middle but going forward one step at a time over the long haul.

Neither of these characteristics shows its face in a crowd; they are experienced only in the quiet hour and in the time of need.  They are what we take for granted.  They are the most undervalued but the most valuable.  They are what we hope for most but look for least.  They are things that we want to receive but often fail to give.

Read I Corinthians 13:4-7.  This is where it starts.  You may think you know these verses but read them again.  See how many of these attributes you can claim.  This is what the actions of a person with a kind heart and quiet competence look like.  If you want to have the sexiest characteristics in the world, seek no further:
Love is patient.
Love is kind.
It does not envy.
It does not boast.
It is not proud.
It does not dishonor others.
It is not self-seeking.
It is not easily angered.
It keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.
If this isn't what you're giving, if this isn't what you're getting, then re-evaluate.  Move forward.  Take one more step.  Make yourself more of all these good things and align with those who are walking that same road--there's nothing more attractive.

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