I guess you could say that I have a tiny minor book problem.....Yeah, as I've mentioned before there are books and bookshelves kinda nearly everywhere in my house, even in the hallways.
Just for example, my dining room:
Have I read all of those books? Well, shamefully, I must admit that I have not, although I have read many.
A couple of weeks ago, I had to adapt a bookshelf so that I could shelve more books.....that's when I discovered another stack of books that I forgot that I had.
And shortly after that I had to clear the back of my old PT Cruiser so I could pick up some donated packing material.....and, yes indeed, I had been driving around with boxes of books in the car. (Very, very naughty: extra cargo weight is bad for gas mileage and that means an unnecessary expense; minimal yes, but still unacceptable.)
Of course I'm careful with money but books are a temptation that I find hard very difficult to resist no matter how little leeway there is in the budget, and I love book shopping on eBay and Half.com and Bookfinder and.....well, you get the idea. I have actually been known to do without grocery purchases in order to buy a book. (Don't worry, I never go short on buying kibble for Daisy; if I don't feed her, she nags and bites me. Keeping plenty of cat food on hand is an acceptable and very sensible form of self-defense.)
Anyway, I got an email from GoodReads about their 2017 Reading Challenge. Now I've been a member of GoodReads for a couple of years and I have reviewed some books but I have been very, very lax in doing so recently. Isn't it a good idea to start making an effort again? I think so. Commitment doesn't come easily to me because I balk, rebel, and generally throw a tantrum like a brat. Still, I think I'm gonna try to take up the gauntlet on this one.
So here's the deal I'm making with myself:
- I will join the reading challenge at the rate of one book per week. I may do more but I will try not to do less.
- I will review most of the books I read, even if it is only a matter of a few sentences.
- I will read only the books that are already on my shelves. No book buying in 2017. Oh my! (However, so that I will be less likely to rebel, I am offering myself a leeway of 4 to 6 books during the course of the year--sometimes it's wise to plan ahead to avert bad behavior, kinda like with the cat kibble.)
- I will inventory my books so that I don't purchase the same books more than once. (Yes, I have made unintentional repeat book-buys on several occasions. How embarrassing.)
So, that's a Big Scary. It is NOT a New Year's Resolution. (I've already written about my Just One Word Resolution and that's something I have begun quietly working on; as you might recall, my Just One Word is a secret.) The book stuff is a challenge I'm setting in front of myself. I hope that I will be up to the task.
What about you? Could you buy less books while still reading more? Give it a try!
Life is good.
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