Sunday, January 15, 2017

When Shadows Shed Light

So here I am days later still putting my blue room back together (books take forever to re-shelve when you're trying to keep them in order) from the ill-fated furniture move.....but as I've said, it wasn't really ill-fated because it gave me some insight.  And this morning, it also gave me a different view on an old idea.

The closet in the blue room has been a frustration to me many times.  I don't keep clothes in there--there are three clothes closets in the house and I just don't have (or want) that many clothing items.  I have sewing supplies, power tools, and vacuum cleaners in that closet instead.  A charming assortment, don't you think?  (Sorry, bad cell phone picture again.)

And there is no door on the closet.  Oh, I have closet doors (new ones) but the track was defective so the doors kept falling off or getting stuck.  After half a dozen repairs by four people, I said Enough!  And I took the doors down.  I replaced them with a clearance sale curtain rod, clearance sale curtain rings, and leftover fabric .  Total "door" makeover:  about $8.  That was both a bargain, and a relief from annoyance.  Sensible.

That's why I didn't mind having my little antique sewing machine at the foot of the guest bed in the blue room--there was no door getting in the way.  But the past few days while the room has been a wreck, the machine in its handmade table has been waiting in the hallway.  And I have realized that I like having that little bit of extra space open in the blue room.  What to do?  That 1930's Singer Featherweight is my treasure, and I actually use it for sewing.

I've thought about it before:  making the closet into a little sewing room.  But it has always seemed impossible.....this morning, I had a mental image of what could be done.  Nice little pictures in my head of how I could make it work.

Now, I do not have the stuff I need (like paint or pretty boxes) and there is absolutely no budget for buy such.  And I cannot afford to waste time on this either.  However, I believe that Impossibility is when little miracles can surprise you.  You just have to open the door to hope.  There is always a way.

Life is good.
I kinda can't wait to see what can happen next while my imagination keeps working.

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