Friday, November 4, 2016

At the Moment

During March and April this year, I helped my friend pack up, hold yard sales, and generally prepare everything for her move to another state.

A couple of days ago, I received a call from my tenant.  She was in a bit of a panic:  she has been working extra hours at her job but she is scheduled to move out of her trailer in about two weeks so it will be ready to be moved out of my yard.  There have just not been enough hours in the day to get everything done; she was exhausted and worried. 

So, once again, I am organizing and packing.

Don't know what this will do to the rest of the schedules in my life.....writing, eBay, cooking, creating, lots of other stuff.  But none of that matters at all because, at the end of the day, the very best thing is to be useful to someone who needs help.  I am so grateful to be needed.

Life is good.
Really really.

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