Saturday, November 5, 2016

Holiday Strike Out

I had plans.  Really, I did.  I made notes and did extra research and everything.  I was gonna do my own simple twist on celebrating Guy Fawkes Day.

Borrowing holiday celebrations is kinda fun--like my yearly summer nod to Tanabata (see this post).

While I have nothing personal against Mr. Fawkes, I was inspired by the idea of "Burning a Guy" from an episode of Mulberry.  (I've mentioned that show before on several occasions; I love it, and I can relate to the lead character Miss Farnaby on several levels.)  I wasn't going the whole hog with a life-size figure; I was just gonna do something really little with pinestraw and a tiny bonfire.  And I have some sparklers I was gonna light in place of bigger fireworks.  (I always keep some spare sparklers in the pantry--I've said this before, too, but you've gotta keep some "happy" for when you need it unexpectedly.  I also keep bubble-blowing kits.  It's oddly important.)

Well, any, as it happens there has been Zero Rain in Mississippi this past month.  Very unusual--it usually buckets down here all the time.  So the Powers That Be have decreed a state-wide Burn Ban. 

Thus:  No Guy.  No Fireworks.  No Fun.  Oh well.  Strike one.

But I would have at least had Parkin to enjoy.....but I should have made that several days ago and all of my energies right now are directed toward organizing (can you say Chaos?) and packing my tenant's belongings.  So I simply forgot Parkin.  What is it?  It's an oatcake (what the Brits refer to as a flapjack--sorry, UK folks, but flapjacks are pancakes!) that is better made a few days in advance.  I love Parkin.  But here it is November 5, and I haven't got any.

Two strikes.

I was also planning to make Cheddar Onion & Potato Pasties and Parched Peas--two other traditional treats.  But, yeah, not happening.  Haven't been to the grocery to buy white cheddar and a purple onion.  Haven't had time to think much less to clean my kitchen (which is absolutely horrific at present), much less to cook even the simplest of foods.  (I had instant oatmeal twice yesterday; that should tell you something.)  I could at the very least have had baked potato and veggie sausage to eat outside as a little starwatching picnic but buying veggie sausage would require a jaunt to a different grocery than usual and that's not happening, not to mention that I'm all out of potatoes.

Third strike.  I give up. 
Guy Fawkes Day is cancelled.

Life is good.
But, honest to pete, I can't finish the bowl of oatmeal that is sitting next to me.  Yuck!
And I haven't got time to edit either so kindly excuse any errors.

But no matter what:  Something nice will happen. 
It always does if you are willing to look for it.

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